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Wonder Blessed are the Curious for they Shall Have Adventure |
Like most todo lists, I expect to add to it more often than I check things off but that’s the human condition. I also need to accept that much of it, quite possibly the majority of it, won’t ever happen. That’s fine. It can’t hurt to make a list. Perhaps I could make it a challenge to do one item a year. I could make one of them the thing I do to mark the next big birthday (40 I believe). Whatever. If nothing else, it’s actually a good a pencil portrait of myself as you could possibly hope for. A lot can be inferred from a bucket list I recon
This bucket list is a little restricted for two reasons. Firstly, it’s limited to Motorcycle related ambitions and secondly, it starts today. If I started adding all the things I’ve done that I wanted to do, that would make for far too long a list. Besides, while there were things I knew I wanted, like getting my licence, there were things I would never have thought to put on a list that happened anyway. No, this is simpler.
Anyway, many thanks to Fuzzy for inspiring me write up my bucket list. Now, I’d better get on with my ‘Oh Dear, The New School Year is About to Start and That ToDo List is Only Getting Longer’ list.